
Welcome to my blog. I document my cervical cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

Medieval Torture Devices Explained

Medieval Torture Devices Explained

Before my last brachytherapy treatment, I managed, in my Percocet stupor, to remember to take pictures of the instruments used in my weekly torture. There really isn't a great way to describe these tools without you being able to see them. I don't know what everything on the tray is for 100%, but I'm going to give it my best effort based on what I could see from my angle. 

The plastic, gun-looking thing at the top right is the speculum, which was used to pry open my vagina for the doctor to look inside. The black part is a flashlight, since the lighting in my lady parts is limited. You can also see some lubricant near the tip, which everything was dipped in before it went in.

The giant cotton swabs were dipped in that black/brown liquid in the cup. I'm not totally sure, but I think that's the stuff they used to stop bleeding when I had my biopsy. Cervixes (cervi?) tend to bleed a little when poked, so that makes sense. 

The little yellow bottle is a numbing spray that got sprayed on my cervix. There's a warming sensation, but since painkillers don't do jack for me, I don't know that it does much.

The silver scissor-looking things I'm pretty sure are the tiny speculum used to pry open my cervix.  

I'm honestly not sure what the silver things on the left, and the little white things in the middle (next to the scissor things) are for, but I assume they're used for poking around and doing things that a finger is too big to do. There isn't a ton of room in there. No comments, jerks.

That brings us to the stars of the show, the plastic tubes with the black caps on the bottom. The one on the left is the one responsible for my pain. Once the cervix was pried open, the bent end went through the cervical opening and into the bottom of my uterus, which was every bit as much fun as it sounded. It's two little buddies to the right (with the earbud things at the top) went on either side of the cervix, wherever the doctor thought they'd do the most good. The white paddle to the right of the scissor-things was placed under the other three, and then all of those pieces were screwed together, and held in place with those little white things next to the cup of liquid. The black caps at the bottom of the rods would be removed, and they would be connected to some long wires and the wires would connect to the radiation machine. 

I'm still figuring out this new website, but I will either add pictures of the bed here or in the gallery section later on. 

The Bitch Is Dead!

The Bitch Is Dead!

Just Because the Treatment Is Done...

Just Because the Treatment Is Done...